
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to be quite absent for the rest of the month of October and half of the November month due to oncoming exams which sucks the life out of my life. =_="

Good luck to all who are going to have their exams!

Looking forward to the end of exams.... Rawr...


Yes! I've changed my blog template! Hehehe. Credits to the people somewhere across the globe who did this wonderful design. =p

Anyway, exam is nearing, thus there will be not many more updates till the end of exams.
Oh by the way, thanks to my dad and his contact, I've managed to secure an internship training at Western Digital for the coming holiday! Yeay! Come join me over there k? Or else i'll be awfully lonely... -_-"

On the other hand, I hope mum and dad is having a great time over there at China! I bet they are eating all those nice food and taking great pictures with the camera that sis bought them. =D

Looking forward to spending some time with dear before exam starts! *fingers crossed* =D

no caps

what holiday? no holiday also. been going to uni for the past 6 days of the mid semester "break"...
sigh... just finished beautifying my assignments for digital electronics and advance engineering mathematics. very mah fan as there's no exact format to follow. so you wouldn't know what is correct what is wrong.

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anyway, i'm really stumped on what to update about except that i'm spectacularly tired from all the work. zzz. i do still consider myself lucky despite saying that. i'm lucky enough to no to worry about my basic necessities and pressure from the working life. so don't yell at me saying that i'm an ignorant and ungrateful kid who breaks under such pityful amount of "stress" k?

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on a lighter note, i've modified my phone's camera driver to eltoffer 3.9... so, i should be taking some photo samples. hehe. but even so, don't expect any photos soon as uploading pictures onto blogger is something that my lazy self cannot accomplish unless i had a stroke of inspiration or am lucky enough to take a national geographic worthy shot.

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sheesh, i shall not comment on people who have the whole semester break to go have fun.

till then, stay healthy mentally and physically my hopefully-still-existing-readers.