They found "Big Foot"!!!

Yes. It is true that the intelligence in Malaysia found "Big Foot" the parliament! Not bad huh? After evading various search teams, it has finally been found in the parliament yesterday.

Really? No lah... Where got "Big Foot" wan?

Haha. It's really interesting to see grown ups to call other adults names. Humans have been known to call their own kinds names from young. Small kids playing in the playground call each other pigs, tortoise, chicken, etc. When they are in upper primary school and lower secondary school, they start to pick up and call each other "badder" words which i know you know we all know what it is so i would not type it here. Then, we reach college and university, where most people, i repeat MOST people are not that childish anymore to call other people names. Well, not all but most, and it generally disappears.

And then, yesterday, we found out that this practice actually continues into adulthood! Wowsers mousers! They actually called each other names in the parliament! On TV! Live!!! Too bad i missed it though. Didn't know there was a live telecast. -_-" Anyway, i mean, wow! I never knew we can call each other names in parliamentary debates! I joined a parliamentary style debate in Form 4 and oh my, i think i know why i lost now. I think it's because i didnt call my opponents names. It probably would have made my speech sound more aggressive. Haha. Debators out there, true or false? XD

Well, i am just commenting from my point of view as of The Star's report on the parliament meeting/seating/whatever you call it. I really do hope that the MP(s) stop the senseless bickering and picking up bones in the egg (鸡蛋里挑骨头) and get on with trying to fulfill the promises made to the voters.

"How old aledi??" "几岁了?" (C.I. Phua, 2008)

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