It's Your Fault

Ladies and gentlemen, as many of you might have already read the headlines of the newspapers this morning, you would know what I'm talking about here. For those sleepy heads who are still in slumber land and only read this in the afternoon or evening, you would also know what I'm talking about here too 'cause most probably you would have heard it from someone else. =p

Basically, our beloved ISA had been put into use again this morning. Read here. I think many people here would be very angry about the action taken by the officials there. Why? 'Cause they are arresting people who make up the Fourth Estate of the country! Now now, isn't this oppression and abuse of power? I am not saying that the people who are from the press and media should be given immunity. It's just that the officials are NOT detaining the root of the problem!

All these racial tensions, political bickering and social unrest have been caused by who? None other than the now-famous Ahmad Ismail. He's not even saying SORRY or feeling GUILTY even after being suspended for 3 years! Worse is, HE'S STILL AT LARGE EVEN THOUGH HE CAUSED ALL THESE RACIAL ISSUES! RAWR!!! Talk about DOUBLE STANDARDS! Why isn't him arrested under the ISA just like the other 3? Is the government going to "suprise" us with an arrest later this afternoon? Maybe this will be a publicity stunt that will somehow delay the September 16 showdown between the PR and BN. Who knows? The government "suprised" us with so many things already. =_="

It's rather disappointing that the government still haven't wake up after the political change in the March 8th elections. It's already 6 months are they are still showing weaknesses here and there, many unjust rulings and can't help to feel even more disappointed with the current state of the country's politics. I think the current government is driving people away from them. With its abmysal ruling now, I think most people would rather welcome Anwar's September 16 promise. I mean, how could it be worse than this? They say that it was Anwar's threat that caused panicking in the government which leads to all the stupid things they are doing now. But I say, if the government is stable and doing the right thing, they don't need to bother about Anwar's threat. It's a push-n-pull thing between them, where PR is pulling and BN is indirectly pushing away the people.

Now with all these political upheavals and disappointing government, I cannot say that I am proud of the country's state. It's all a mess and I think many people would agree with me. There is a certain oppression in freedom of speech (oh wait, it doesn't exist here...) and also a very clear unjustice decision makers in the high level government officials. Just an extra note: here's the Worldwide Press Freedom Index Rating. Malaysia's is at an abmysal 124th. -_-" Oh, ISA stands for "Itu Salah Awak" by the way.


Chu Jie said...

lol qin said that she told her colleagues that her younger siblings likes to comment on politics more than she does.

I AGREE WITH YOU!!! Arresting the reporter for reporting what Ahmad Ismail said is damn stupid when Ahmad Ismail himself didn't get arrested lor..

btw, He blardy owes us an apology from HIMSELF.

let's hope 916 comes true!

Winter said...
