Obligatory update

This Friday is the Friday that I spent least time in Uni for the past...few weeks? month? Not sure.
It is very lucky that our computing lab is somewhat easier today... Some introductory stuff to PLC. And not to mention that we managed to "finish" the Engineering Design practical work in an hour.

yawnz... Such is uni life.

I have a feeling that I am going to miss university life when I come out to work next time. In fact, I'm 99% certain that I would. It is relatively carefree (fortunately) and provides a lot of satisfaction when our projects/ labs succeed. Also, failure would not lead to total destruction of our lives and the crumbling of our future career... Everything is relatively safe here.

Anyway, I shall not bored you readers with the rantings of a tired and lazy mind. XD
Life in uni this week have been relatively uneventful compared to the hectic schedule of last week. Nevertheless, it's fun. =D Going to play badminton tomorrow at MPSJ hall with friends! Yeay.

Here's 9000 words for you my dear,

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