Mornington Peninsula

Last Friday, I went to Mornington Peninsula with my sister and friends. We drove there in 2 cars, which is quite comfortable actually. 2 Toyotas slightly bigger than a Yaris for 8 people. Anyway, the trip was quite fun although we didn't manage to keep to our schedule. Haha. Too much time spent on the Point Nepean National Park. Anyway, I'm quite lazy to say anything about it, so I'll just post 30,000 words below. For more pictures, go see Chu Jie's facebook.

^Arthurs Seat. On the left is Kang Heng

^Arthurs Seat's backview. The sun is so bright that day...

^Signboard. Nothing much

^Arthurs Seat lookout tower.

^At the Enchanted maze. Very beautiful place. This is for my dear! =D A real daisy!

^Some head on top of the hedge in the Japanese garden maze

^Sunbathing sculpture in a field of mushrooms?


^Those people that went. =D

^Bright bright sun casting some shadow. It's hard to not capture my own shadow.

^Birdhouse with no bird inside. Must be the paintjob.

^Jie with a fake fairy. XD

^Dear!! =D

^Poor stone face... I bet this is not the 1st time.

^But I think this is! Heh heh heh >=D

^Sun calendar... With the camera set to aged scene.

^At Point Nepean National Park... Some old port.

^Stone! I actually waited for the wave to come...which is not very long anyway. XD

^Me and sis on top of Cheviot Hill I guess... There's not much signage around.

^Unexploded bombs! Yeaahhhhh

^The gang again! L-R: Kang Heng, Wei Leong, Kai, Jie, Mark, Ying Zhen, Pei Xian
(I hope i got the names right? XD)

^Me at the same place as above

^From now on, there'll be quite a few of these pictures as the area was an old fort. So, naturally there'll be tunnels and long covered corridors.


^Can you see the sea? Or is it ocean?

^Looking out from the what to look at?

^Stairway to bunker. This place is underground!


^Engineer's Barracks! (Not much of a scene there... So unfair~)

^A shot of the ocean before we leave.

That's all folks! 30 pictures! That's 15% more than the last one!


Kar Hing said...

Nice pictures inside the tunnel! and i see a lot of mushroom pictures in your blog XD!

AJ said...

Dear dear!!! :D :D ME LIKEY ALL THE PICS!!!!! :D :D :D

Chu iAN said...

@Kar Hing: haha. thanks! yeah, i find mushrooms very very fascinating. XD

@AJ: Thanks dear! =D